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SyncMaster 320PX
The color an d appearan ce of the pro duct may va ry dependi ng on the mo del, and the pr oduct spec ification s are
subject to change without prior notice for reasons of performance enhancement.
Information For Better Display
Adjust the co mputer res olution an d screen in ection rate (refresh ra te) on the co mputer as de scribed be low
to enjoy the best picture quality. You can have an uneven picture quality on screen if the best picture
quality is not provide d for TFT -LCD.
• Resolution: 1360 x 768
• Vertical fr equency (re fresh rate ): 60 Hz
TFT LCD panels manufactured by using ad vanced semiconductor technology with a precision of 1ppm
(one millionth) and above is used for this product. But the pixels of RED, GREE N, BLUE and WHITE color
seem to be bright sometimes or some of black pixels could be seen. This is not from bad quality and you
can use it without any problems.
• For example, the number of TFT LCD sub pixels contained in this product are 3,133,440.
When clean ing the monit or and the pa nel outside , please ap ply the re commended small amou nt of clean er
by using a sof t cloth to po lish. Do not f orce the LCD area but rub softly.
If excessive force is applied, you may stain it.
If you are not satisfied with the picture quality, you can get better quality of picture by performing the "auto
adjustment function" in display screen that is appeared as window termination button is pressed.
If there's still noise after the automatic adjustment, use the FINE /COARSE adjustment function.
When viewi ng a fixed scr een for an ex tended pe riod of time, a residual im age or blu rriness ma y appear.
Change the mo de to ener gy save or se t a screensav er to move the picture when you n eed to be away
from the LCD Display for an extended period of time.
PRODUCT INFORMATION (Image Retention Free)
What is Image Retention ?
Image reten tion may not occur when a LCD pane l is operate d under norm al conditio ns.
Normal con ditions are defined as co ntinuous ly changin g video pat terns. When the LCD pa nel is operat ed for
a long time with a fixed pattern (over 12 hours), there may be slight difference in voltage between electrodes
that work the liquid crystal (LC) in a pixel. The voltage difference between electrodes increases with time,
forcing the liquid crysta l to lean. Wh en this occu rs, the prev ious imag e may be see n when the pa ttern is
changed. To prevent this, the accumulated voltage difference must be decreased.
Safety Instructions
Using the Software
Adjusting the LCD Display
For Better Display
(Image Retent ion Free)