-1~10 Hour
3) Second
[MENU ] → [ ∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨]→ [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER]
Determines the time period to run the Screen Scroll operation. (1~5 Second)
By default, the time is set to 5 seconds.
-Type-Scroll : 1~5 Second
-Type-Pixel, Bar, Eraser : 10~50 Second
4) Type
[MENU ] → [ ∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER]
You can change the Safety Screen Type.
Resolution Select
[MENU ] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨]→ [ENTER]
When the picture is not displayed properly on the screen when setting the graphics card resolution of the
computer to 1024 x 768 @ 60Hz, 1280 x 768 @ 60Hz, 1360 x 768 @ 60 Hz or 1366 x768 @ 60Hz, by using
this functi on(Resolut ion Select ), you can hav e the pict ure display ed on the sc reen in the spe cified res olution.
Available in PC/BNC mode only
1) Off
2) 1024 X 768
3) 1280 X 768
4) 1360 X 768
5) 1366 X 768
• Selecting the menu is only allowed when the graphics resolution is set to 1024 x 768 @ 60Hz, 1280 x 768
@ 60Hz, 1360 x 768 @ 60Hz or 1366 x768 @ 60Hz.
Lamp Control
[MENU ] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [ENTER] → [< / >] → [ENTER]
Adjusts the inverter lamp in order to reduce energy consumption.
Power On Adjustment
[MENU ] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨]→ [ENTER]
Adjusts the Power On time for the screen.
*Caution: Set the Power On time to be loger to avoid overvoltage.
The picture pa rameters are replac ed with the f actory defau lt values.
1) Image Reset
[MENU ] → [ ∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [ENTER] → [< / >]→ [ENTER]
Available in PC/BNC mode only
2) Color Reset
[MENU ] → [ ∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [< / > ]→ [ENTER]