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Sync Signal
Sync (Synchronized) Signals refer to the standard signals that are required to display desired colors on the
LCD Display. They are divided into Vertical and Horizontal Sync Signals. These signals display normal color
images by the set resolu tion and freq uency.
Types of Sync Signals
Separate This is a scheme of transmit ting indivi dual verti cal sync sign als to the LC D Display.
Composi te This is a scheme of combining vertical sync signals into one composite signal and
transmitting it to the LCD Display. The LCD Display displays the color signals by
separating the compos ite signal in to original color sign als.
Dot Pitch
The image on a LCD Display is composed of red, green and blue dots. The closer the dots, the higher the
resolution. The distance between two dots of the same color is called the 'Dot Pitch'. Unit: mm
Vertical Frequency
The screen m ust be redr awn severa l times per se cond in ord er to create and display an image for the user.
The frequenc y of this rep etition pe r second is ca lled the Ve rtical Freq uency or Re fresh Rate . Unit: Hz
Example: If the same light repeats itself 60 times per second, this is regarded as 60 Hz.
Horizontal Frequency
The time to scan one line connecting the right edge to the left edge of the screen horizontally is called the
Horizontal Cycle. The inverse number of the Horizontal Cycle is called Horizontal Frequency. Unit: kHz
Interlace and Non-Interlace Methods
Showing the horizontal lines of the screen from the top to the bottom sequentially is called the Non-Interlace
method whi le showing o dd lines and t hen even lin es in turn is called the I nterlace m ethod. The N on-Inter lace
method is used for the majority of LCD Display s to ensure a clear image. The Interlace method is the same
as that used i n TVs.
Plug & Pla y
This is a function that provides the best quality screen for the user by allowing the computer and the LCD
Display to exchange information automatically. This LCD Display follows the international standard VESA
DDC for the Plug & Play function.
The number of horizontal and vertical dots used to compose the screen image is called the 'resolution'. This
number shows the accuracy of the display. A high resolution is good for performing multiple tasks as more
image inform ation can b e shown on the screen.
Example: If the resolution is 1360 x 768 , this means the screen is composed of 1360 horizontal dots
(horizontal resolution) and 768 vertical lines (vertical resolutio n).
Multiple Display Control (MDC )
A Multiple Display Control (MDC) is an application allowing vario us displays to be easily and simultaneously
operated on a PC. RS-232C , a standar d of serial c ommunica tion, is used for commun icating be tween a PC
and a display .
Correct Disposal
Correct Disposal of This Product (Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment) - Europe only