Available Modes
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DVI-Vide o
[MENU ] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER]
The LCD Display has a built-in high fidelity stereo amplifier.
1) Standard
Selects Stand ard for the s tandard fa ctory settin gs.
2) Music
Selects Music when watching music videos or concerts.
3) Movie
Selects Movie when viewing movies.
4) Speech
Selects Speech when watching a show that is mostly dialogue (i.e., news).
5) Custom
Selects Custom if you want to Adjusts the settings according to your personal preferences.
[MENU ] → [ ∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [< / > ] → [ENTER]
The sound set tings can be adjusted to suit your y our persona l preferen ces.
1) Bass
Emphasiz es low frequ ency audio .
2) Treble
Emphasizes high frequency audio.
3) Balance
Allows you t o Adjusts t he sound bal ance betwe en the left an d right sp eakers.
[You can hear the sound even when sound value is set to 0.]
• If you adjust picture using Sound Custom function, Soun d Mode will turn to Custom mode.
Auto Volume