• Problems related to audio signals and their solutions are listed below.
Problems Solutions
No sound. zEnsure that the audio cable is firmly connected to both the
audio-in po rt on your LC D Display and the aud io-out port o n
your sound c ard.
(Refer to the Connecting the LCD Display )
zCheck the volume level.
The sound level is too low. zCheck the volume level.
zIf the volume is still too low after turning the control to its
maximum, check the volume control on the computer sound
card or software program.
The sound is too high or too low. zA djusts the Tr eble and Ba ss to the appr opriate l evels.
Problems related to the Remote Control
• Problems related to the remote control and their solutions are listed.
Problems Solutions
The remote control buttons do not
zCheck the pol arities (+/ -) of the batt eries.
zCheck if the batteries are empty.
zCheck if the po wer is on.
zCheck if the power cord is securely connected.
zCheck if a spec ial fluore scent or ne on lamp is on in the vicinit y.
Q & A
Question Answer
How can I change the frequency? The frequency can be changed by reconfiguring the video card.
Note that video card support can vary, depending on the version of
the driver used. (Refer to the computer or the video card manual for
detail s.)
How can I Adjusts the resolution? zWindows XP:
Set the resolu tion in the C ontrol Pane l → Appearance and
Themes → Display → Settings.
zWindows ME/2000:
Set the resolu tion in the C ontrol Pane l → Display → Settings.
* Contact the video card manufacturer for details.
How can I set the Power Saving
zWindows XP:
Set the resolu tion in the C ontrol Pane l → Appearance and
Themes → Display → Screen Saver.
Set the function in the BIOS-SETUP of the computer. (Refer to
the Windows / Computer M anual).
zWindows ME/2000:
Set the resolu tion at the C ontrol Pa nel → Display → Screen
Set the function in the BIOS-SETUP of the computer. (Refer to
the Windows / Computer M anual).
How can I clean the outer
case/LCD Panel?
Disconnect the power cord and then clean the LCD Display with a soft
cloth, using either a cleaning solution or plain water.
Do not leave a ny detergen t or scratc hes on the c ase. Do not le t any
water enter the LCD Display.
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