The color tone s can be ch anged. The i ndividual Color comp onents are also user a djustable .
1) Cool 2
2) Cool 1
3) Normal
4) Warm1
5) Warm2
[MENU ] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER]
The Size can be switched.
1) 16:9
2) Zoom 1
3) Zoom 2
4) 4:3
[The ZOOM1, ZOOM2 are not available in 1080i (or over 7 20p) of DTV.]
Digital NR (Digital Noise Red uction)
[MENU ] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER]
Turns the Digital Noise Reduction feature Off/On.
The Digital Noise Reduction feature allows you to enjoy clearer and crisper images.
1) Of
2) On
Film Mode
[MENU ] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER]
Turns Film Mode Off/On.
The Film Mo de feature o ffers you a th eater-qual ity viewin g experien ce.
(Not available in DVI-Video Mode)
1) Of
2) On
PIP Picture
[MENU ] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] →[< / >]
Adjusts the PIP Screen Settings.
1) Contrast
Adjusts the Con trast of the PIP window on the scree n.
2) Brightness
Adjusts the Brightness of the PIP window on the screen.
Available Modes: PIP ON