Audio Input 2 RCA Jack Red(R) Whit e(L), 0.5 V rms (-9 dB)
PC Audio Inpu t 3.5 Ø S tereo Jack, 0.5 Vrms (-9 dB)
Frequency RF: 80 Hz ~ 15 kHz (at -3 dB)
Response A/V: 80 Hz ~ 20 kHz (at -3 dB)
Plug and Play Capability
This monitor can be inst alled on any Plug & Play c ompatible s ystem. Th e interactio n of the mo nitor and the
computer systems will provide the best operating conditions and monitor set tings. In most cases, the monitor
installation will proceed automatically, unless the user wish es to select alternate settings.
Dot Acceptable
TFT LCD panels manufactured by using ad vanced semiconductor technology with precision of 1ppm (one
millionth) above are used for this product. But the pixels of RED, GREEN , BLUE and WHITE color appear to
be bright some times or so me black pi xels may b e seen. This i s not from ba d quality an d you can use it without
any problelms.
• For example, the number of TFT LCD sub pixels contained in this product are 3,133,440.
Design and specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
Class B Equipment (Informat ion Communication equ ipment for residential use)
This product complies with the Electromagnetic Co mpatibility Directives for residential use and can be
used in all are as includi ng common r esidentia l areas. (Cl ass B equipm ent emits l ess elect romagnet ic
waves than Cl ass A equip ment.)
This monitor has a built-in power management system called PowerSaver. This system saves energy by
switching y our monitor to low-po wer mode wh en it has not b een used for a certain am ount of tim e. The monit or
automatica lly returns to normal op eration w hen you pres s a key on the keyboard. For energy conservati on, turn
your monitor OFF when it is not needed, or when leaving it unattended for long periods. The PowerSaver system
operates with a VESA DPMS compliant video card installed in your computer. Use the software utility installed on
your computer to set up this feature.
State Norma l
Power saving
Power off
EPA/ENERGY 2000 Power off
Power Indicator Green Green, Blinking Amber Black
Power Consu mption Less than
160 W
Less than 1 W
Less than 1 W
(Power button)
0 W
(Power Switch)
This monitor is EPA ENERGY STAR ® compliant and ENERGY2000
compliant when used with a computer equipped with VESA DPMS
functionalit y.
As an ENERGY STAR ® Partner, SAMSUNG has determined that this
product meets the ENERGY STAR ® guide lines for ener gy efficie ncy.
Preset Timing Modes
Preset Timing Modes
If the signal transferred from the computer is the same as the following Preset Timing Modes , the screen will be
adjusted automatically. However, if the signal differs, the screen may go blank while the power LED is on. Refer
to the video c ard manual a nd Adjusts the screen a s follows.
Display Mode
Pixel Clock
Sync Polarity
MAC, 640 x 48 0 35.000 66.667 30.240 -/-
MAC, 832 x 62 4 49.726 74.551 49.500 +/+
IBM, 640 x 350 31.469 70.086 25.175 +/-
IBM, 640 x 480 31.469 59.940 25.175 - /-