The heart rate figures may not be accurate depending on measurement conditions and surroundings.
Take heart rate measurements wh en you are seated and relaxed .
If heart rate measurement s are taken at low temperatur es, the result may be inaccu rate.
Do not move your body while tak ing heart rate measureme nts. Doing so may cause your h eart rate to
be recorded inaccurately.
Users with thin wrists may r eceive inaccurate hear t rate measurements.
Inaccurate measurement s occur when the device is lo ose and the light used to prov ide the
measurement is reflected unevenly.
If the measurement is very d ifferent from the expe cted heart rate, rest for 30 m inutes and then
measure it again.
Measurements are calcu lated using average values a nd should be repeated at leas t five times.
During winter or in cold weat her, keep yourself warm when meas uring your heart rate.
Smoking or consuming alc ohol before taking meas urements may cause your hear t rate to be different
from your normal heart rate .
Do not talk, yawn, or breath e deeply while taking he art rate measurements . Doing so may cause your
heart rate to be recorded ina ccurately.
If your heart rate is extrem ely high or low, measurement s may be inaccurate.
Obstructions betwe en the device’s strap and your w rist, such as body hair o r other objects, may
prevent the light from reflec ting evenly.
Heart rate measurement s taken for infants and todd lers may be inaccurate.
Do not look directly at the hea rt rate sensor’s lights. D oing so may impair your visi on.