Do not wipe the camcorder body with
benzene or thinner. The e[terior coating could ΙΪΤϳΪϗήϨΜϟϭϦϳΰϨΒϟΎΑϮϳΪϴϔϟήϴϣΎϛϢδΟδϤΗϻ peelϞϜϴϬϟτγϒϠΗϭϲΟέΎΨϟ˯ΰΠϟ˯ϼτϟήϴθϘΗoff or the case surface could deteriorate.
Do not use the camcorder near TV or ϭϥϮϳΰϔϴϠΘϟϦϣΏήϘϟΎΑϮϳΪϴϔϟήϴϣΎϛϡΪΨΘδΗϻ
radio. This could cause noise on the TV εϮθΗέϮϬχϲϓϚϟΫΐΒδΘϳϥϦϜϤϳΚϴΣϮϳΩήϟ screenϲϋΫϹϝΎγέϹϲϓϭϥϮϳΰϔϴϠΘϟΔηΎηϰϠϋor in radio broadcasts.
ϲϓϥϮϜϳϥϰϠϋΖΑΎΛτγϰϠϋϮϳΪϴϔϟήϴϣΎϛϊοPlace the camcorder on a stable surface and a place with ΔϳϮϬΗΕΎΤΘϓϰϠϋϱϮΘΤϳϥΎϜϣventilation openings.
Do not place the camcorder with the open ϞΎδϟέϮϠΒϟΔηΎηϥϮϜΗΚϴΤΑϮϳΪϴϔϟήϴϣΎϛϊπΗϻ
LCD screen down. | ϞϔγϸϟLCD |
Do not hold the camcorder by the LCD ˵ ΎϬόϓέΪϨϋLCDΔηΎηϦϣϮϳΪϴϔϟήϴϣΎϛϚδϤΗϻ monitor when lifting it. LCD monitor could ϢΛϦϣϭLCDΔηΎηϭνήόϟϒθϜΘδϣϞμϔϨϳΪϘϓ
detach and the camcorder may fall. ΐϳϮϟήϴϣΎϛςϘδΗ
Use the
ϲϓΊΟΎϔϤϟήϴϐΘϠϟϮϳΪϴϔϟήϴϣΎϛξϳήόΗϡΪϋΐΠϳ changedϯήΧΓέϮτΧϙΎϨϬϓΐσέϥΎϜϣϭΓέήΤϟΕΎΟέΩin temperature or a humid place. 7KHUHLVDOVRDULVNRIGHIHFWRUHOHFWULFVKRFNΪϨϋΔϴΑήϬϜϟΔϣΪμϟϭϒϠΘϠϟνήόΘϟϲϓϞΜϤΘΗ whenΔϳΪϋήϟϒλϮόϟΙϭΪΣ˯ΎϨΛ˯ήόϟϲϓϡΪΨΘγϻusing outdoors during lightning storms.
Do not leave the LCD monitor open when | |
not using the camcorder. | ϮϳΪϴϔϟήϴϣΎϛ |
Do not use the camcorder near strong radio ϮϳΩήϟΕΎΟϮϣϦϣΏήϘϟΎΑϮϳΪϴϔϟήϴϣΎϛϡΪΨΘδΗϻ
ΕϮμϟΕήΒϜϣϞΜϣϲδϴσΎϨϐϤϟϝΎΠϤϠϟϭΔϳϮϘϟ a large motor. Noise could enter video or
audio that are being recordedϪϠϴΠδΗϱήΠϳϱάϟΕϮμϟ.
KeepϞϤΤΘΗϻϞμϔϨϣϞϜθΑΔϣΎϬϟΕΎϧΎϴΒϟΎΑφϔΘΣimportant data separately. Samsung
is not responsibleΕΎϧΎϴΒϟΪϘϓϦϋΔϴϟϮΌδϣΔϳfor data loss. Samsung