Doing more with your camera
Using burst
_ | Cameratakesupto 3 pictures(3persecond)whilethe | Capturean expected | |
| Shutterbuttonispressed. | event. | |
Burst | _ | First 3 pictures are | Example: |
| |||
| LH | saved. | A personswinginga |
golf club.
1in mostStill modes,pressthe Burstbutton repeatedlyto choosean option.
2Pressthe Shutterbutton halfway to focusand setexposure.
3Pressthe Shutterbutton completely down and hold it to takepictures.
Thecamerastopstakingpictureswhenyou releasethe Shutterbutton,whenthe picturesaretaken,or whenthereisno morestoragespace.
NOTE:Duringquickview,youcandeleteallpicturesintheburstseriesTodeleteselectively,dosoin. Review(seepage10).
Changing picture-taking settings
Youcan changesettingsto get the bestresultsfromyour camera:
1Pressthe Menu button.
3Choosean option,then pressthe OKbutton.
4Pressthe Menu buttonto exit.
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