Doing more with your camera
Using optical zoom
Useopticalzoomto get up to 3X closerto your subject.Opticalzoomis effective when the lensis nocloserthan 24 in. (60 cm)to the subjector 5 in. (12.7 cm)in
1Usethe viewfinderor LCDto frameyour subject.
2PressTelephoto(T)to zoomin. PressWideAngle (W)to zoomout. Thezoomindicatorshowszoomstatus.
Zoom indicator
Optical Digital
zoom zoom
range range
Takethe pictureor video.
Using digital zoom
Usedigital zoom inany Still modeto get upto 15Xmagnification.
1Pressthe Telephoto(T)button to the opticalzoomlimit (3X). Releasethe button, then pressit again.
2Takethe pictureor video.
usingdigitalzoomTheblueslideronthezoomindicatorpausesandturnsredwhenthepicture. qualityreachesthelimitforanacceptable4x
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