Doing more with your camera
Tagging pictures/videos for albums
Usethe Albumfeaturein Reviewmodeto tag the pictures/videosin your camerawith album names.
First--on your computer
UseEasySharesoftwareto createalbumsonyour computer,then copyupto 32 album namesto the camera'sinternal memory.SeeEasySharesoftwareHelpfor details.
Second--on your camera
1Pressthe Reviewbutton, then locatethe pictureor video.
2Pressthe Menu button.
3Press_/_ to highlight Album _, then pressthe OKbutton.
4Press_/._ to highlight an albumfolder,then pressthe OKbutton.
Toaddotherpicturesto the samealbum,press</_,,.to scrollthrough the pictures. Whenthe pictureyou want is displayed,pressthe OKbutton.
Toaddthe picturesto morethan onealbum,repeatstep4 for eachalbum.
Thea/burnnameappearswith thepicture.A plus(+)after thea/burnnamemeansthe picturewasaddedto morethanonea/burn.
Toremovea selection,highlight an albumnameand pressthe OKbutton. To remove all albumselections,selectClearAll.
Third--transfer to your computer
Whenyou transferthe tagged pictures/videosto your computer,EasySharesoftware opensand categorizesyourpictures/videosin the appropriatealbumfolder. See EasySharesoftwareHelpfor details.
Sharing your pictures
Pressthe Sharebutton to "tag" your picturesandvideos.Whenthey aretransferred to yourcomputer,you cansharethem. Usethe Sharebutton:
Anytime. (Themostrecentpicture/videotakenis then displayed.)
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