Pre-tagging for album names
Usethe SetAlbum (Still orVideo)featureto
picturesor videos.Then,all the picturesorvideosyou takearetagged with those album names.
First--on your computer
Usethe EasySharesoftwarethat waspackagedwith your camerato createalbum namesonyour computer.Thenexttimeyou connectthe camerato the computer,copy up to 32 albumsto the album namelist. SeeEasySharesoftwareHelpfor details.
Second--on your camera
1In any mode,pressthe Menu button.
2Press_/_ to highlight SetAlbum_, then pressthe OKbutton.
3Press_/_ to highlight an albumname,then pressthe OKbutton. Repeatto markpicturesor videosfor albums.
Selectedalbumsarenotedwith a checkmark.
4Toremovea selection,highlight an album nameand pressthe OKbutton. To removeall albumselections,selectClearAll.
5HighlightExit,then pressthe OKbutton.
Yourselectionsaresaved.If you turn on theLCD,youralbumselectionis displayedon thescreenA. plus(+) after thea/burnnamemeansmorethanonea/burnisselected.
6Pressthe Menu buttonto exit the menu.
Third--transfer to your computer
Whenyou transferthe tagged picturesor videosto your computer,EasyShare softwareopensandcategorizesyour picturesinthe appropriatealbum. SeeEasyShare softwareHelpfor details.
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