Doing more with your camera
Tagging pictures and videos for emailing
First--on your computer
UseKodakEasySharesoftwareto createanemail addressbook onyour computer. Thencopyupto 32 email addressesto the camera'sinternalmemory.Fordetails,click the Help button in EasySharesoftware.
1Pressthe Sharebutton. Press</I,,,,to. locatea picture/video.
2Press_/._ to highlight Email_, then pressthe OKbutton. TheEmailicon_ appearsin thestatusarea.
3Press_/._ to highlight an emailaddress,then pressthe OKbutton.
Totag other pictures/videoswith the sameaddress,press</_ to scrollthrough them. Whenthe pictureyouwant is displayed,pressOK.
Tosendthe pictures/videosto morethan oneaddress,repeatstep3 for each address.
4Toremovea selection,highlight a checkedaddressandpressthe OKbutton. To removeall emailselections,highlight ClearAll.
5Press_/._ to highlight Exit,then pressthe OKbutton.
6Pressthe Sharebutton to exitthe menu.
Whenyou transferthe tagged pictures/videosto your computer,the Emailscreen opensand letsyou sendthem to the addressesyou specified.Fordetails,clickthe Helpbutton in KodakEasySharesoftware.
Tagging pictures as favorites
Youcan preserveyourfavorite picturesin the FavoritesI_1 sectionof your camera's internal memory,then sharethemwith friendsandfamily.
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