Other settings Demo
The Demo mode automatically shows you the major functions that
are included with your camcorder so that you can use them more
1 Press the Home ( ) button p touch “SettingspGeneral”.
2 Touch the desired item next to “Demo”.
> General
Default Set
3 To exit the menu, touch the Return ( ) tab.
Submenu items
OFF: Disables the function.
ON: Enables the Demo function.
Using the Demo function
The Demo mode is canceled in the following cases:
- If the LCD screen is touched.
- If you press any button (Recording start/stop, Home ( ), etc.).
However, the camcorder enters the Demo mode automatically
after 5 minutes in STBY mode if it is idle for 5 minutes without an
operation. If you don’t want the Demo function to start, set “Demo
to “OFF”.
The Demo function does not operate in the following case:
- If you set “Auto Power Off” to “5 Min” and you are using the battery
to power the camcorder, the Auto Power Off function turns the
camcorder off before Demo runs.