Connecting VHF and UHF Antennas
Antennas with 75-ohm Round Leads
If your antenna looks like this: it has
Plug the antenna lead into the VHF/UHF terminal
1 on the PDP.
Use the Antenna Cable, an accessory included in the product package.
Connecting Cable TV
You can connect different cable systems to your PDP, including cable without a cable box, and cable with a cable box that descrambles some or all channels.
Cable without a Cable Box
Plug the incoming cable into the VHF/UHF terminal on
1 the PDP.
Use the Antenna Cable, an accessory included in the product package.
Cable with a Cable Box that Descrambles All Channels.
Find the cable connected to the ANTENNA OUT
1 terminal on your cable box. This terminal might be labeled "ANT OUT", "VHF OUT", or simply "OUT".
Connect the cable to the VHF/UHF terminal on the
2 PDP.
Use the Antenna Cable, an accessory included in the product package.
Cable with a Cable Box that Descrambles Some (But Not All) Channels
To complete this connection you will need a
Find and disconnect the cable that is con-
1 nected to the ANTENNA IN terminal of your cable box.
This terminal might be labeled "ANT IN", "VHF IN", or simply, "IN". Connect this cable to a
Connect a coaxial cable between an OUT-
2 PUT terminal of the splitter and the IN termi- nal of the cable box.
Connect a coaxial cable between the
3 ANTENNA OUT terminal of the cable box and the
Connect a coaxial cable between the
4 ANTENNA OUT terminal of the cable box and the
Connect the last coaxial cable between the
5 OUT terminal of the RF (A/B) switch and the VHF/UHF terminal on the PDP.
After you've made this connection, set the A/B switch to the "A" position for normal viewing.
Set the A/B switch to the "B" position to view scrambled channels. (When you set the A/B switch to "B", you will need to tune your