Samsung ME8123ST/ATH manual Guide for cooking poultry in your microwave

Models: ME8123ST/ATH

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Guide for cooking poultry in your microwave

Place poultry on a microwave-safe roasting rack in a microwave-safe dish.

Cover poultry with wax paper to prevent spattering.

Use aluminum foil to shield bone tips, thin meat areas, or areas that start to overcook.

Check the temperature in several places before letting the poultry stand the recommended time.


Cook Time/Power Level






Cooking Time

Place chicken breast-side down


7-10 min. / 0.5 kg 80 °C

on roasting rack. Cover with

Up to 4 lbs.

Power Level

wax paper. Turn over when the

cooking time is half up. Cook

Medium High (7).



until juices run clear and meat





near the bone is no longer pink.



Let stand 5-10 minutes.





Cooking Time

Place chicken bone-side down


7-10 min. / 0.5 kg

on dish, with the thickest

Up to 2 lbs.

80 °C dark meat

portions towards the outside of

the dish. Cover with wax paper.

75 °C light meat



Turn over when the cooking time


Power Level


is half up. Cook until juices run


Medium High (7).

clear and meat near the bone is



no longer pink. Let stand 5-10







Guide for cooking seafood in your microwave

Cook fish until it flakes easily with a fork.

Place fish on a microwave-safe roasting rack in a microwave-safe dish.

Use a tight cover to steam fish. A lighter cover of wax paper or paper towel provides less steaming.

Do not overcook fish; check it at minimum cooking time.


Cook Time/Power Level






Cooking Time

Arrange steaks on roasting rack

Up to 0.7 kg

7-11 min. / 0.5 kg

with meaty portions towards the

Power Level

outside of rack. Cover with wax



paper. Turn over and rearrange


Medium High (7).


when cooking time is half up.





Cook until fish flakes easily with a



fork. Let stand 3-5 minutes.





Cooking Time

Arrange fillets in a baking dish,

Up to 0.7 kg

4-8 min. / 0.5 kg

turning any thin pieces under

Power Level

Cover with wax paper. If over



½ inch thick, turn over and


Medium High (7).


rearrange when cooking time





is half up. Cook until fish flakes



easily with a fork. Let stand 2-3








Cooking Time

Arrange shrimp in a baking dish

Up to 0.7 kg

4-6½ min. / 0.5 kg

without overlapping or layering.

Power Level

Cover with wax paper. Cook until



firm and opaque, stirring 2 or 3


Medium High (7).


times. Let stand 5 minutes.








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Samsung ME8123ST/ATH manual Guide for cooking poultry in your microwave, Guide for cooking seafood in your microwave