Code/Food | Serving Size | Instructions |
8 | 250 g | Use a large glass ovenware dish with lid. |
Wholemeal |
| Add 1 l hot boiling water, a pinch of salt and stir well. |
Macaroni |
| Cook uncovered. Cook covered. Stir before standing time |
| and drain thoroughly afterwards. Stand for 1 minutes. |
9 | 250 g | Use a large glass ovenware dish with lid. |
Quinoa |
| Add double quantity of cold water (500 ml). Cook covered. |
| Stir before standing time and add salt and herbs. |
| Stand for |
10 | 250 g | Use a large glass ovenware dish with lid. |
Bulgur |
| Add double quantity of cold water (500 ml). Cook covered. |
| Stir before standing time and add salt and herbs. |
| Stand for |
11 | 500 g | Put the vegetables, such as precooked potato slices, |
Vegetable |
| courgette slices and tomatoes and sauce into a suitable |
Gratin |
| sized glass pyrex dish. Add grated cheese on top. |
| Put dish on the rack. Stand for |
12 | 400 g | Rinse and clean tomatoes, cut them into halves and put in |
Grilled |
| an ovenware dish. Add grated cheese on top. |
Tomatoes |
| Put dish on rack. Stand for |