Samsung Q71 manual 115, Highlight / Chapter Function, Make Chapters Highlight

Models: Q71

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Highlight / Chapter Function

Using the Highlight function, you can watch a highlighted part of a movie such as a sports or news item, etc. Using the Chapter function, you can create chapters for a movie and play the movie from any of the chapters.


The Highlight/Chapter function works on the basis


of specific standards depending on the target video.


Therefore, the result of the function may differ from

the user’s intention.


1Select a movie and click Make Highlight/Chapter at the bottom of the window.

2Select the movie type (Sports, News, Other). A Highlight / Chapter is created.

3To watch a highlight, double-click a file made and click the Highlight icon at the bottom right of the current movie file.

Make Chapters


4The highlight is played. If you click on a Chapter thumbnail, the corresponding Chapter is played.


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Samsung Q71 manual 115, Highlight / Chapter Function, Make Chapters Highlight