Samsung Q71 About Microsoft Windows Vista, Click Start Welcome Center, Description Window

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About Microsoft Windows Vista

Microsoft Windows Vista (hereafter Windows) is a computer operating system. Since you have to learn how to use it in order to use the computer efficiently and effectively, use the Welcome Center and Windows Help and Support to learn about Windows Vista.

The screen layout may differ depending on the computer model and the operating system.


Welcome Center

In the Welcome Center, you can view brief descriptions of Windows Vista functions and run the functions directly.

1Click Start > Welcome Center.

2If you click on an item, information on the function is displayed in the description window.

For example, if you click View computer details, your computer information is displayed in the description window. In addition, click on Show More details, for more detailed information.


Description Window



Windows Vista Demo


If you click Start > Welcome Center > Show all X items > Windows Vista Demo, you can watch the Windows Vista


introduction movie.


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Samsung Q71 manual About Microsoft Windows Vista, Click Start Welcome Center, Description Window