HighWire HW400c/2 User Reference Guide Rev 1.0 Enable remo
up an
file at /etc/ssh/sshd_config. One
g to log in, an attacker first must login as a
im e HW400c/2 console as root:
If daemon on every start up:
default Starting netw rk services; xinetd
A lot of services depend on having the xinetd service running. Unlike sshd, all
# emerge xinetd
ait for the console messages to stop and return to a prompt.
td on the HW400c/2 console:
# rc-update add xinetd default Starting f
or ftp, Gnetoo Linux uses the standard Linux ftp daemon, vsftpd. Use the
merge utility to load the vsftpd daemon package. As root from the HW400c/2
# emerge vsftpd
Wait for the console messages to stop and return to a prompt.
To start vsftp on the HW400c/2 console:
# /etc/init.d/vsftpd start
If you want to add xinetd as a default daemon on every start up:
te login with ssh
Gentoo Linux installs sshd by default, but it is not enabled. Before starting
ssh server look through the configuration
thing that you should consider setting is PermitRootLogin no. This disab
lo ins as root, which means that in order
ular user (in the wheel group) and then su. This would require knowing two
rname with su access making brute force attacks nearly sswords as well as a use
possible. To start sshd on th
# /etc/init.d/sshd start
you want to add sshd as a default
# rc-update add sshd
Gentoo Linux does not install xinetd by default. Use the emerge utility to inst
xinetd and its dependencies from the HW400c/2 console as root:
To start xine
# /etc/init.d/xinetd start
If you want to add xinetd as a default daemon on every start up:
tp services; vsftpd
October 10, 2006 Copyright 2006, SBE, Inc. Page 88