HighWire HW400c/2 User Reference Guide Rev 1.0
inetd is not automatically installed and activated under Gentoo as under some Linux distributions
etwork access.
o e command:
# rc-status --all
or more information about Portage see the man page portage(5), and
“Portage” is the name of Gentoo's package management system. All Gentoo
packages can be found under /usr/portage. If a package is needed, for exam
firewall or ftp services, it can be found in the portage directory. Some of the packag
names are a bit obscure (for example, ssh is found under net-misc, while
xinetd is found under sys-apps), so some research may be necessary to locate
the needed package.
(e.g.Redhat, Suse). Use the emerge function to install these packages to gain n
T query the running status of services, from the HW400c/2 console use th
There are several HOW-TO’s for various applications and services located at
http://gentoo-wiki.com/Index:HOWTO Emerge
ively on the
n automatically
a has. Emerge can also update the
po ailable. Emerge gracefully handles
pd ting installed packages to newer releases as well. It handles both source and
an be used to create binary packages for distribution. It is
yum and BSD ports.
are packages that should only be installed as root.
For more information see the man page .
Emerge is the command-line interface to the Portage system run nat
W400c/2. Emerge is primarily used for installing packages, and caH
h ndle any dependencies that the desired package
ge tree, making new and updated packages avrta
binary packages, and it c
imilar in function to s
Emerge is not a root-user only program. You will only need root's permissions to install, uninstall, an
sync. Normal users can use commands to query what's installed, settings, etc. However, with this in
mind, there
October 10, 2006 Copyright 2006, SBE, Inc. Page 87