HighWire HW400c/2 User Reference Guide Rev 1.0
If you don’t already have one, the easiest way to create a bootp server is to have it
reside on the same LAN subnet as the HW400c/2. Creating bootp relay agents for
LAN segments is beyond the scope of this document.
o set up a server with BOOTP with TFTP ability in a standard Linux box,
uncomment (or add) these two lines in inetd.conf)
tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.tftpd
bootps dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/tcpd bootpd -d 4
ou may also run bootpd from the command line by entering;
bootpd –i –d 4
See the man page bootpd(8) for details. To run bootpd from the command line it
ill be necessary to disable the bootpd service if it has already been enabled and
/etc directory. See the man page bootptab(5), and the example below.
xample /etc/bootptab
.5 Booting the W400c/2
here are three
Boot a kernel from the on board Disk on Chip
This section describes the processes necessary to boot using each of the three
methods. In each case, the boot firmware U-boot, loaded in on-board flash, is
necessary to initialize the HW400c/2. The boot instructions for three methods
mentioned above diverge slightly from that point.
bootp servers on different
running through some other mechanism.
If one does not already exist, it will be necessary to create a bootp table, bootptab
in the
5 H
T ways to boot the Linux OS on the HW400c/2,
Download a tftp image with bootp
Do ad a tftp image with a static IP address
October 10, 2006 Copyright 2006, SBE, Inc. Page 75