HighWire HW400c/2 User Reference Guide Rev 1.0
3.5 Mezzanine Card Sites
The HW400c/2 board supports I/O expansion using either one or two industry-
standard PTMC and/or PMC modules. This section provides technical details for
these expansion sites.
3.5.1 PT5MC Type Mezzanine Cards
The PT5M n to the local PCI bus (32-bit,
33-133 MHz PCI or PCI-X), the local 32 TDM stream H.110 bus, two Gigabit
hernet po ser I/O connecte CI J5 backplane
through Pn4, must be transformer coupled or
e link to the h will not hed.
3.5.2 PT ezzanine Cards
ns of
ser I/O connected to the CompactPCI J5 backplane connector. RMII signals are not
supported, therefore these lines cannot be used by the PT2MC cards.
3.5.3 PMC Type
he PMC mezzanine card support includes connection to the local PCI bus (32-bit,
33-133 MHz PCI or PCI-X), and 55 he CompactPCI
J5 backp
cards have as user defined I/O owever, on th 00c/2, these lines
igned only to the CT bus and RGMII bus, so when a PMC card is installed the signals on Jn3 are
tated (see Tabl
C mezzanine card support includes connectio
co rts, and 31 pins of U d to the CompactP
PT5MC cards with network connections
th layer 2 switc be establis
2MC Type M
The PT2MC mezzanine card support includes connection to the local PCI bus (32-bi
33-133 MHz PCI or PCI-X), the local 20 TDM stream H.110 bus, and 55 pi
Mezzanine Cards
T pins of User I/O connected to t
lane connector.
are ass specified Jn3 or 64 bit PCI. H e HW4
tri-s e 17).
October 10, 2006 Copyright 2006, SBE, Inc. Page 32