HighWire HW400c/2 User Reference Guide Rev 1.0
3.5.9 PTMC Site Voltage Keying
Voltage key po n accordance with IEEE 1386. See
ection 2.10.3.
he HW400c/2 local PCI bus I/O voltage is 3.3 volts only. Therefore, PTMC and
MC modules with 5 volt only I/O signals cannot be used on the HW400c/2
board, and residing at each site.
3.6 IPMI System Management
The HW400c/2 board inclu IPM m
Man s (SMB) d b MI
infor nly access ugh sed to
mon ort the hea he H
ay no nt in fact, not even have power.
either case, the IPMI circuitry on board is for monitoring purposes only and, if disabled or not used,
as no affect the normal operation of the HW400c/2.
n the
I J1
connector. It also connects to the Geographical Address bits from the CompactPCI
J2 or J4 connector for reading the physical slot address. Figure 13 shows the major
functions of the Zircon PM controller. Table 22 lists the GPIO port functions.
sts are installed at each PTMC site i
! T
Pare prevented from being installed by a key post
des an I controller that interfaces to the Syste
he IPagement Bu
mation is o as define
ible thro y the PICMG 2.9 specification. T
u an IPMI Shelf Manager, and is
W400c/2. itor and rep lth of t
An IPMI Shelf manager m t be prese the system, and IPMI may, in
3.6.1 IPMI Controller
The IPMI controller on the HW400c/2 is the QLogic Zircon PM with board-specific
firmware. The Zircon PM complies with PICMG hot-swap requirements.
The Zircon PM communicates with the System Management device (residing o
slot 0 or other card) through its I2C Port 0, connected through the CompactPC
October 10, 2006 Copyright 2006, SBE, Inc. Page 39