HighWire HW400c/2 User Reference Guide Rev 1.0
he final step in configuring the TFTP server on your Linux system is to copy the
If the /tftpboot directory does not already exist, create it (as root) on
your system mkdir command:
ctory structure that was created when you
o oceed to Section 5.4.6 to set up communications with your SBE
Hi oad and boot the Linux kernel.
5.4.6 Configuring
If you are not assigning a static IP address to be stored in the HW400c/2 non-volatile
me ory, it is necessary to configure a bootp server. Bootp (a precursor to DHCP)
will assign an IP address to a device with a specific MAC address based on what is
up table called bootptab. At power up, the HW400c/2 will
broadcast a BOOTP_REQUEST over the network. If a server is actively running
ootpd, that server will look through its bootptab for a matching MAC address. If a
_REPLY to the
W400c/2’s MAC address and assign the IP address found in the bootptab file.
A b tp g bootp daemon, bootpd, and
a bo p nning on your system, enter:
s-eaf |grep bootpd
root 15278 25183 0 2005 pts/1 00:00:18 bootpd -d 4 -s
root 20587 20484 0 15:27 pts/8 00:00:00 grep bootpd
This command will stop and then start all of the Internet services on your Linux system. You may not
want to do this if your system is running Internet services on which other systems depend, as it will
cause a slight interruption in those services.
c mpiled Gentoo Linux kernel image uImage, into the /tftpboot directory so
t the HW400c/2 can download it and boot:
using the
# mkdir /tftpboot
Copy the compiled Gentoo Linux kernel, uImage, into the /tftpboo
directory from top level of the dire
unpacked the files in the downloaded SBE Gentoo Linux archive.
# cp
Y u can now pr
ghWire HW400c/2 board and downl
a bootp Server
found in a look
matching MAC address is found, the server will send a BOOTP
oo server has two prerequisites; an actively runnin
ot look up table, bootptab. To check if bootpd is ru
If bootpd is running, you should see something similar to the following;
October 10, 2006 Copyright 2006, SBE, Inc. Page 74