HighWire HW400c/2 User Reference Guide Rev 1.0
1. As root, change to the kernel source directory
DD = 2 digit day
HH = 2 digit hour
mm = 2 digit minutes
# date 031310002006
# make mrproper
4. Create a new .config file by copying the config-save file to
# cp config-save .config
# make uImage
Unlike other some other Linux distributions, the Gentoo kernel can be nativel
compiled on the HW400c/2 following standard Linux kernel build procedures.
Rebuilding the kernel is necessary when changing the kernel configuration
These are the basic steps necessary to compile the kernel natively on the HW400c/2;
# cd /usr/src/linux-2.6.9-gigateak
2. Set the date (see man date) MMDDHHmmYYYY
Where MM = 2 digit month
YYYY = 4 digit year
3. Clean up old .config files
5. Create the changes in the .config file
# make oldconfig
6. Compile the kernel
# make
7. Create the kernel binary (uImage)
8. On the
host machine, copy uImage to /tftpboot
# cp uImage /tftpboot/.
ASCII terminals, such as Minicom and Hyperterminal, may not run menu driven kernel configuration
utilities such as menuconfig properly from the HW400c/2 console. There two options here, ssh to
the HW400c/2 from the host and use menuconfig from the host path:
/opt/gentoo/usr/src/linux, then finish the compile from the HW400c/2, or on the
HW400c/2, use the config utility (make config), which will step through each option individually.
October 10, 2006 Copyright 2006, SBE, Inc. Page 86