HighWire HW400c/2 User Reference Guide Rev 1.0
The Memory Option Register (MOR) is a Read-Only register. This register reports
the presence and size of the M-Systems Disk on Chip device.
able 33. Memory Option Register (MOR) Offset Address 0x07
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DOC3 DOC2 DOC1 DOC0 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved
DOC3 = 0 Disk-on-Chip de-populated
OC[2:0] = 000 Disk-on-Chip Size is 64 MB
= 001 Disk-on-Chip Size is 128 MB (default)
Disk-on-Chip Size is 256 MB
Disk-on-Chip Size is 512 MB
4.2.5 Geographihe Geographic Addressing Register (GAR) is a Read Only register. This register
sh pactPCI
backplane connectors J2 and/or J4.
Ge ical A sing B ine a al loc slot) i ompa
b . T s o 4 s ide e r bo
connectors mirroring the bit that in s onfigur ns (e.g. lane
r a non H.110 backplane) one or the other connector may not be present. For a
of th grap MG 2.0 and PICMG 2.5.
T g d 08
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 0
= 1 Disk-on-Chip populated (default)
= 010
= 011
= 100 Disk-on-Chip Size is 1 GB
= 101 Disk-on-Chip Size is 2 GB
= 110 Disk-on-Chip Size is 4 GB
= 111 Disk-on-Chip Size is 8 GB
Tows the value of the Geographic Address Bits as read from the Com
ograph ddres its def physic ation ( n the C ctPCI
ackplane he setting f J2 and J hould be ntical. Th eason for th
s is ome c atio a non-PCI backp
definition e Geo hic Address Bits, see PIC
able 34. Geo raphic A dressing Register (CSR) Offset Address 0x
Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1
Reserved Re d GA2 GA1 GA0 Reserved serve GA4 GA3
GA[4:0] = Geographic Address Bits as read from CompactPCI J2
onnectors and/or J4 (backplane) c
October 10, 2006 Copyright 2006, SBE, Inc. Page 50