1.4.1Software Development Tool Kit
A listing of files supplied in the BM85 Software Development kit is provided in Section 4.3.1. The development tools include:
VA Borland C4/4C++
VAn object library of BM85 utility routines, including functions for managing multiple tasks in the BM85 application
VA Modbus Plus data transfer utility routine
VA header file containing function prototypes
VA compiled demonstration program, with source code, showing examples of the use of functions in a typical application
VTest utilities, including source code, that exercise BM85 hardware
VThe download utility for loading the application to the BM85.
The development tool kit is supplied on
Modicon Customer Service
1±800±468±5342 (North America) 1±508±975±5001 (International)
Part Number | Description |
SR±BM85±S00 | BM85 Software Development Kit (Note 1) |
SR±BM85±S0R | BM85 Software Support Renewal (Note 2) |
1. The kit
| V Install the development software |
| V Compile and link your application |
| V Download your application to the BM85. |
| 2. The kit includes 90 days of BM85 software development technical |
| support service provided by Modicon Customer Service. The support |
| renewal |
| technical support service beyond the initial 905day period. |
31007492 | Introducing the BM85 Bridge/Multiplexers | 9 |