server is located in another building or part of the city (or country). Also known as an archive backup.
RSA key
An encryption decoder that’s part of SSL, a type of encryption used to protect data being sent over a network or the Internet. “RSA” stands for Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman, who invented the technology.
Seagate Global Access
A service that you can use to view, download, share, and work with the files stored on your BlackArmor server from anywhere in the world. You can also use Global Access to upload files to your BlackArmor server.
A computer or device on a network that manages resources. The BlackArmor server is a file server, a storage appliance that’s dedicated to storing files; it can also be used as a print server, a device that manages one or more printers.
A folder on your BlackArmor server that stores and protects backup files, as well as other files that can be accessed by other people.
A group of disk drives collected in a server, not protected by RAID. Also known as JBOD. See also “RAID”.
spin down
Referring to disk drives, a term that means to stop spinning.
SSL certificate
Secure Socket Layer certificate, part of the SSL encryption method. SSL (also known as Trans- port Layer Security) is a type of encryption used to protect data being sent over a network or the Internet. SSL uses a system of keys, like secret passwords, to send and receive files securely.
Also known as RAID 0. A volume with striping includes two or more disk drives where data is dis- tributed evenly (striped) across the disk drives in
BlackArmor® NAS User Guide | 60 |