CROSSCUTTING is known as cutting wood across the grain, at 90 ° , or square with both the edge and the flat side of the wood° This is done with miter gauge set at "0'°..
The graduations on the miter gauge provide accuracy for
average woodworking In some cases where extreme accuracy is required, when making angle cuts, for example, make a trial cut and then recheck it with an accurate
square, or protractor.
If necessary, the miter gauge head can be swiveled slightly to compensate for any inacurracy,
NOTE: The space between the miter gauge bar and the
groove in the table is held to a minimum during manufacturing.
For maximum accuracy when using the miter gauge, always
"favor" one side of the groove in the table, In other words, don't move the miter gauge from side to side while cutting, but keep one side of the bar riding against one side of the groove_
NOTE: Glue a piece of sandpaper to the face of the miter
gauge head.. This will help prevent the workpiece from
"creeping" while it is being cut°
When cutting long workpieces, invert AUXILIARY
FENCE!WORK SUPPORT and position it on top of the
guide bars to support the workpiece as near to the end as
possible if this does not adequately support the workpiece, you can make a simple support by clamping a piece of plywood to a sawhorse.
Use the
The miter gauge may be used in either of the grooves in the table. Make sure it is locked..
When using the miter gauge in the LEFT hand groove, hold
the workpiece firmly against the miter gauge head with your left hand, and grip the lock knob with your right When using the RIGHT Hand groove, hold the workpiece with your right hand and the lock knob with your left hand.
REPETITIVE CUTTING is known as cutting a quantity of pieces the same length without having to mark each piece. 1o Use the Stop Rods (optional accessory) only for cutting
duplicate pieces 6 in. long and longer.
2.DO NOT FEED workpiece with RIGHT Hand. merely guide it. making sure that it does not bind or pinch the sawbtade
When making repetitive cuts from a tong workpiece, make sure it is adequately supported.
Use the