Using the receiver
Sorting channels using the “Wireless Systems Manager” softwareThe sorting function of the “Wireless Systems Manger” software allows you change the channel assignment of the receivers at any time and to save this new channel assignment in a scene.
Start the sorting function as described in the instruction manual of the “Wireless Systems Manger” software.
Press and hold the sync button 9 of the receiver to which you want to assign channel 1 for at least 1.5 seconds.
The “Wireless Systems Manager” software assigns the receiver the channel 1 and displays this receiver first in the new scene.
“Sorted” appears on the status display of the receiver:
The sync button 9can also be used for synchronizing transmitters with receivers. For more information, refer to page 21.
When carrying out the sorting function, the synchronization is deactivated.
Repeat the above steps for the remaining receivers.
Each additional receiver whose sync button 9 you press and hold for at least 1.5 seconds is assigned the next higher channel. “Sorted” appears on the status displays of the corresponding receivers.
The receivers are displayed in the subsequent positions in the scene of the “Wireless Systems Manager” software.
The text “Sorted” automatically goes off after 1 second.
After you have sorted your receivers, you can assign this sort sequence to an already existing scene in the “Wireless Systems Manger” software or you can create a new scene. For more information, please refer to the instruction manual of the “Wireless Systems Manger” software.
Already sorted channels cannot be sorted again. If you try to change the sort sequence, “Already Sorted” appears on the status display.
If necessary, start a new sorting procedure using the “Wireless Systems Manager” software.