25 26
T: 0800 0124 382 T: 0800 0124 382
Use the button to decrease the brightnes s of the information screen, or the button
to increase the brightness. The infor mation screen displays a bar showing t he level of
brightness selected (fig 14).
To return to the main programme screen pr ess the b utton, or press the button to
select another setting you wish to alter.

Screen Contrast Setting

You can adjust the contrast of the information s creen on your Washer Dryer:
Press the button on t he main programme screen and then pre ss the button until
the contrast setting scree n is displayed. This is shown by the symbol. Alternatively, if
you are already in the settings menu, simply use the button to navigate to the contra st
Use the button to reduce the level of contras t, or the button to increase the level of
To return to the main programme screen, press the but ton or press the button to
select another setting you wish to alter.

Revert to Factory Set tings

You have the option to revert your Washer Dryer to t he factory default sett ings:
Press the button on t he main programme screen and then pre ss the button until the
screen shown in fig 15 is displayed. If you are already in the set ting menu, simply use the
button to navigate to the factor y settings screen.
Press the symbol to reset your Washer Dryer to facto ry settings. You will be asked
to confirm your choice. ‘Reset to Facto ry Settings?’ will be displayed on the info rmation
screen. Press the bu tton to confirm your select ion or the to cancel.
You can return to the main programme screen by pressing the button.
Figure 14
Figure 15