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T: 0800 0124 382 T: 0800 0124 382
The Servis guarantee is not transferable.
For your Servis guarantee t o be valid, you will need to retain your or iginal purchase
receipt and be able to provide it when you make a claim .
The above summary does not include all of the term s and conditions and exclusions which can
be found on our website www.servis.co.uk.
Household contents insurance
Your household insurance may cover you for accidental damage, fire o r theft of your product.
Data Protection Act (198 8)
Please note that any information prov ided will be processed by us or our agents in c ompliance
with the provisions of the Data Pro tection Act 1988, for the pur pose or providing cover and
handling claims, if any, which may necessitate providing such info rmation to third parties.