R-33STD English 10/12/2002 15:19 Page 44


Am Ohlenrod 10, Rudi Wagner, Tel: 06436-3444, Fax: 06436-941387 / 65931 Frankfurt, Nur telefonische Annahmestelle, Norbert Schwamb

GmbH, Tel: 069-371525 / 66115 Saarbrücken, Ludwigstr. 55-57, Edgar Reinert, Tel: 0681-9487070, Fax: 0681-9487060 / 67434

Neustadt, Saarlandstraße 55, Hans Krempl Haustechnik GmbH, Tel: 06321-83077, Fax: 06321-83077 / 68309 Mannheim,

Heppenheimerstraße 23, Hans Krempl Haustechnik GmbH, Tel: 0621-7184611, Fax: 0621-7184618 / 68526 Ladenburg, Am Sägewerk 2,

Elektro Service Salinger, Tel: 06203-3341, Fax: 06203-16919 / 70186 Stuttgart, Klippeneck Straße 1, Elektro Herterich Techn. Kundendienst,

Tel: 0711-4687023, Fax: 0711-4687024 / 75236 Kämpfelbach, Goethestraße 19, Horst Frei, Tel: 07232-1518, Fax: 07232-5238 / 76185

Karlsruhe, Lotzbeckstraße 9, Electronic Service Franke, Tel: 0721-5700720-23, Fax: 0721-5700736 / 76872 Winden, Hauptstraße 103,

Hans Krempl Haustechnik GmbH, Tel: 06349-8571, Fax: 06349-3390 / 78462 Konstanz, Nur telef. Annahmestelle, Elektro Herterich, Tel:

07531-27923 / 78737 Fluorn-Winzeln, Schafbaumstraße 9, Edmund Schneider, Tel: 07402-482, Fax: 07402-8014 / 79650 Schopfheim,

Feldbergstraße 21, R. Grossmann, Tel: 07622-674510, Fax: 07622-61900 / 80339 München, Schwanthalerstraße 110, Kesel & Schnitt, Tel:

089-505802, Fax: 089-5021596 / 85095 Denkendorf-Zandt, Michlstraße 3, Elektro Pfeiffer, Tel: 08466-1319, Fax: 08466-1319 / 85609

München-Aschheim, Waldweg 9a, Dieter Beise, Tel: 089-9034005, Fax: 089-9044859 / 86157 Augsburg, Stadtberger Straße 67, J.

Haslinger Elektro-Geräte Kundendienst, Tel: 0821-523125, Fax: 0821-526664 / 87439 Kempten, Heiligkreuzer Straße 17, Radio Hartmann,

Tel: 0831-594646, Fax: 0831-594648 / 89231 Neu-Ulm, Gartenstraße 4, Elektrotechnik Schneider, Tel: 0731-85897, Fax: 0731-74681 /

91522 Ansbach, Am Ring 17, Elektro Merk GmbH, Tel: 0981-89574, Fax: 0981-86715 / 90537 Feucht/Nürnberg, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße

21, Herbert Geissler GmbH, Tel: 09128-7076-0, Fax: 09128-707636 / 93102 Pfatter, Regensburger Straße 60, Franz Bernhard, Tel: 09481-

90060, Fax: 09481-90061 / 94130 Obernzell, Hameter Straße 31, Elektro Service Schurig, Tel: 08591-2400, Fax: 08591-1285 / 96052

Bamberg, Aronstraße 2 a, Bernhard Jackl, Tel: 0951-9370245, Fax: 0951-9370247 / 97070 Würzburg, Untere Johannitergasse 16, Radio

Wels City Service GmbH, Tel: 0931-3557119, Fax: 0931-14151 / 98724 Neuhaus, Eisfelder Straße 32, DLC Haustechnik GmbH, Tel: 03679-

79060, Fax: 03679-790620 / 99096 Erfurt, Goethestraße 14, Ernst Grüsser, Tel: 0361-3465719, Fax: 0361-3465719 / 99817 Eisenach,

Bahnhofstraße 17, Blitz Elektro-Elektronik GmbH, Tel: 03691-292930, Fax: 03691-292915


En cas de réclamation pour les fours micro-ondes SHARP, nous vous prions de vous adresser à votre spécialiste ou à l’une des stations techniques agréées SHARP suivantes :

A.A.V.I., 1, rue du Mont de Terre - 59818 Lesquin Cedex, Tél : - Fax : / A.A.V.I. (Point d'Accueil), 9-11, rue

Léon Trulin - 59000 Lille, Tél : - Fax : / ATELIER ROUSSEL, 12, Bld Flandre Dunkerque - 56100 Lorient, Tél : Fax : / BASTIA TELE VIDEO, Immeuble Le Béarn - Av. de la libération - 20600 Bastia, Tel : - Fax / C.M.T.S., 38, rue des Ormeaux - 75020 Paris, Tél : - Fax : / ELECTRONIC SERVICE PLUS, 5, bd LOUIS XI - ZI le Menneton - 37000 Tours, Tél : - Fax : / ELECTRO SERVICE, 21, rue de Mulhouse - B.P 122 - 68313 Illzach, Tél : - Fax : / M.R.T., 74, Rue Albert Einstein - 72021 Le Mans Cedex, Tél : Fax : / ROSSIGNOL, ZI du Brezet Est - 6 rue P.Boulanger - 63100 Clermont Ferrand, Tél : -

Fax : / S.T.E., 3, chemin de l'Industrie - 06110 Le Cannet Rocheville, Tél : - Fax : / S.T.R.

AQUITAINE, 111, rue Bouthier - B.P 27 - 33015 Bordeaux, Tél : - Fax : / S.T.V.S., 1, rue de la Presse - 42000

Saint Etienne, Tel : 0825.898.903 - Fax : / S.T.V.S., 10, chemin Saint Gobin - 69 190 Saint fons, Tél : - Fax : S.T.V.S. (point d'accueil), 143 av Maréchal de Saxe - Entrée : 54 rue Villeroy - 69003 Lyon, Tél : - Fax : TECH SERVICE, 15 rue du château de ribaute - ZA ribaute 2 - 31130 Quint Fonsegrives, Tel : - Fax : TIMO VIDEO, 131 chemin des bassins- Zone Europarc - Hameau D - 94000 Creteil, Tél : - Fax : U.N.T.D., 1, rue des Lourdines - 76000 Rouen, Tél : - Fax : / VIDEO TECHNOLOGY, 8, Allée de la Fontaine des Tournelles - Z.I. - 77230 Saint-Mard, Tel : - Fax :



C.A.T. Di Bellone, Via Dell’areoporto, 76, 64100, Teramo, Tel: 0861415745, Fax: 0861212117 / C.R. Elettronica, Via Amiternum 38,

67100, L’aquila, Tel: 0862-321442, Fax: 0862-314323 / Elettrovideo Snc, Via Tiburtina V. 64, 65124,Pescara, Tel: 08552020, Fax: 085-

52020 / Riccardi Cosimo, Via S.Stefano 51, 75100, Matera, Tel: 0835-333671, Fax: 0835-333671 / Ld Service Di Lavano E De Biasi,

Via Viviani 2, 85100, Potenza, Tel: 0971-472578, Fax: 0971-472578 / Cozzupoli & Crupi, Via R. Campi Primo Tronco 103, 89126, Reggio

Calabria, Tel: 0965-24022, Fax: 0965-310778 / Ater Snc, Via Naz.Pentimele 159/A-B, 89100, Reggio Calabria, Tel: 0965-47051, Fax: 0965-

47855 / Audiovideo Snc, Via A. De Gasperi 44, 88018, Vibo Valentia, Tel: 0963-45571, Fax: 0963-45572 / Battaglia Saverio, Via C.

Colombo 85, 88063, Catanzaro, Tel: 0961-33824, Fax: 0961-737337 / Ciano Giuseppe, Via Circonvallaz.Sud, 89029, Taurianova Rc, Tel:

0966-643483, Fax: 0966-614946 / Lab. Tv Dei F.Lli Aiello Snc, Via Torino 121/123, 88074, Crotone Cz, Tel: 0962-20889, Fax: 0962-

24254 / Mea Giuseppe, Via L. Einaudi Trav.I 16, 88048, Lamezia T. (Cz), Tel: 0968-437520, Fax: 0968-437520 / Medaglia Giolindo, Via

Torrazzo 60/62, 88063, Catanzaro Lido, Tel: 0961-31626, Fax: 0961-31626 / S.A.T.E Di Dodaro, Via Degli Stadi 28/F, 87100, Cosenza,

Tel: 0984-482337, Fax: 0984-482337

Se.Ri.El.Co, V.Delle Medaglie D’oro163, 87100, Cosenza, Tel: 0984-33152, Fax: 0984-33152 / Satep (Casoria NA), Via Nazionale Delle

Puglie, 176, 80026, Casoria (NA), Tel: 081-7590706, Fax: 081-7590706 / Audio Service Snc, Via Cattaneo 4/6, 81100, Caserta, Tel:

0823-329099, Fax: 0823-353686 / Drf Elettr. Di Rubbo, Via M.Pacifico 118, 82100, Benevento, Tel: 0824-62416, Fax: 0824-62416 /

Elettronica D`Argenio, Via Nazion. Torrette,195, 83013, Mercogliano (Av), Tel: 0825-681590, Fax: 0825-681590 / Elettronica Service,

Viale Europa, 15, 80053, Castell. Stabia, Tel: 081-8728280, Fax: 081-8728280 / Errediesse Service, Via P. Mascagni 74/76, 80128,

Napoli, Tel: 081-5794825, Fax: 081-5791899 / M.C. Elettronica Snc, Via Dei Mille 138, 84100, Salerno (Sa), Tel: 089-330591, Fax: 089-

336836 / Menna Elettronica Srl, Via Nazionale Delle Puglie 294, 80026, Casoria (Na), Tel: 081-5840726, Fax: 081-7594277 / Satec Di

Correra Snc, Via Liberta’ 307, 81024, Maddaloni (Ce), Tel: 0823-341088, Fax: 0823-343011 / Video Elett. 2 Di Nasti, Via Ant.Pio 74/76,

80126, Napoli, Tel: 081-7676300, Fax: 081-7284347 / Audio Video Center Snc, Via F. Vandelli 23/29, 41100, Modena, Tel: 059-235219,

Fax: 059-210265 / Ass.Electron Di Fogli, Via F.Lli Aventi 19, 44100, Ferrara, Tel: 0532-903250, Fax: 0532-903250 / Ma.Pi. Snc, Via

T.Azzolini 3, 40132, Bologna, Tel: 051-6414115, Fax: 051-406848 / Masini Service, Via Mediterraneo 24, 47041, Bellaria (Fo), Tel: 0541-

347714, Fax: 0541-324413 / Nuova Tecnocoop, Via Armellini 28/30/32,47037, Bellariva Rimini, Tel: 0541-370812, Fax: 0541-370812 /

Parmaservice Sas, Via Benedetta 47/A, 43100, Parma, Tel: 0521-271666, Fax: 0521-271666 / Rimpelli Nelusco Snc, Via Marchelli

7/C, 42100, Reggio Emilia, Tel: 0522-323740, Fax: 0522-376967 / Rip.Elettr.Ravenna, Via Reale, 27/C 48010, Camerlona (Ra), Tel: 0544-

521500, Fax: 0544-521100 / Rte Di I. Catellani & C., Via Premuda 38/V, 42100, Reggio Emilia (Re), Tel: 0522-381277, Fax: 0522-381788

/Stema Snc, V.Le Bologna, 92/A 47100, Forli’, Tel: 0543-704475, Fax: 0543-702742 / Technolab Snc, Via Romea 36, 48100, Ravenna, Tel: 0544-64008, Fax: 0544-476497 / Tecnoservice.Com, Via Longhi 16/A/B, 40128, Bologna, Tel: 051-360986, Fax: 051-366863 / A.V.R. Sas Di Di Renzo, Via Colonna 20/8, 33170, Pordenone, Tel: 0434-27669, Fax: 0434-523661 / Astec S.N.C. Di Zoccarato, Via


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Sharp R-33STD operation manual France

R-33STD specifications

The Sharp R-33STD is a quintessential microwave oven that embodies efficiency, convenience, and modern design. Tailored for the needs of busy households, it packs a variety of features aimed at simplifying cooking and reheating tasks. With its robust construction and sleek aesthetics, the R-33STD is not just a kitchen appliance; it’s an essential cooking companion.

One of the standout features of the Sharp R-33STD is its powerful 1000 watts of cooking power, which ensures that meals are cooked evenly and quickly. This high wattage guarantees that whether you're defrosting, reheating leftovers, or preparing a new dish, you can expect prompt results without compromising on taste or texture. Additionally, the inverter technology integrated into the design offers precise temperature control. This means that delicate foods like seafood or custards can be prepared with a gentle touch, preventing overcooking or uneven results.

Another noteworthy aspect of the R-33STD is its spacious interior. With a generous capacity, this microwave can comfortably accommodate large dishes, making it ideal for families or those who love to entertain. The turntable function guarantees that food is cooked uniformly, enhancing the overall culinary experience.

The user-friendly control panel features intuitive buttons and a digital display, simplifying operation even for those who are not tech-savvy. One of the advantages of this model is its availability of multiple cooking modes, including grill and microwave combinations, which allow users to achieve various cooking styles. The pre-programmed settings streamline cooking times for common foods, while a defrost function ensures that frozen items can be prepared safely and effectively.

In terms of safety features, the Sharp R-33STD includes a child lock, providing peace of mind for families with young children. This feature prevents accidental operation, ensuring that safety is a top priority.

Moreover, the stylish design makes the Sharp R-33STD a fitting addition to any kitchen décor. Its compact build means it can be placed conveniently on countertops without consuming excessive space.

In summary, the Sharp R-33STD microwave oven stands out for its powerful cooking capabilities, innovative inverter technology, user-friendly interface, ample cooking capacity, and aesthetic appeal. This combination makes it an invaluable tool for modern cooking, catering to both convenience and functionality. Whether you're a novice cook or a culinary enthusiast, the R-33STD is well-equipped to meet your microwave cooking needs.