Answering Calls 4-3
4. Answering Calls
To delete a dis-
played reminder
message or notifi-
➩While the message or notification you want
to delete is displayed, press the Clear key.
DELETED is displayed.
To get out of the
mailbox display ➩Press the Program key or get a dial tone. If
there are no remaining messages or
notifications in your mailbox, the Mailbox
status light turns off.
To answer a Pho-
neMail notifica-
tion indicated by
the PhoneMail
key status light
➩Press the PhoneMail (PHMAIL) key.
The communications server calls the
PhoneMail system or your voicemail
system or another number configured at the
communications server on Version 6.4 and
To call the Pho-
neMail system or
your voicemail
system when your
PhoneMail status
light is not on
➩Press the PhoneMail (PHMAIL) key.
On Version 6.4 and higher, the
communications server calls whatever
number has been configured for your
phone at the communications server. This
number can be for the PhoneMail system or
a destination such as another voicemail