Making Calls 3-39
3. Making Calls
To clear a station
speed code on a
Press the Program key. The Program status
light turns on. PRESS FEATURE KEY OR
DIAL CODE is displayed.
Press the Station Speed (SPEED) key you
want to clear, or dial # # 3. SPEED DIAL is
Enter the station speed code you want to
clear (0 through 9). The dialing sequence is
displayed. (You can view the contents of
other codes by entering their codes now.)
Before NEW NUMBER? is displayed,
press the Clear key. DELETED is
If you want to clear another station speed
code, press the Store key. STORED is
displayed. Repeat the three previous steps.
To end setup, press the Program key. The
Program status light turns off. STORED is
Note: You cannot clear a station speed key on a non-display
telephone or any telephone without a Clear key, though you
can set it up to dial a different sequence.