Configuring the local network
Synchronising the TCP/IP settings with the Gigaset RouterYou have now configured your PC so that it is ready to be connected to the Gigaset Router. You now have to release the old TCP/IP settings and update them with the settings of your Gigaset Router.
◆Click on Start – Run.
◆Enter WINIPCFG and click on OK.
There may be a slight delay before the IP configuration appears.
◆Select your network adapter from the selection list.
◆Click on Release and then Renew.
If the router's default IP address ( was not changed, the IP address should now read 192.168.2.x (with x being a number between 2 and 254). The Subnet mask must always be and the Default Gateway must have the router's IP address (192.168. 2.1). These values confirm that your Gigaset Router is working.
◆Click on OK to close the IP configuration window.