Configuring the Advanced Settings

Setting up or editing a shareìEnter a name for the share.

ìSelect the directory you wish to release for sharing. You can enter the complete path for the directory manually or click on the Browse button. A file menu is opened.

You can now set access protection for the directory.ìFirst, select the On option for Security.ìSelect the required option from the list next to Access:Select Read only if you only wish to release the data for reading.Select Full control if you wish to release the data for reading and writing.

ìSelect Depending on password if you wish to make access dependent on a pass- word.

Depending on the access option chosen you can now enter in the relevant field a password for read only or a password for full control, or different passwords for both read only and full control.

ìNow enter the password or words and confirm by entering it/them again.ìClick on OK to save your settings.