Status information

uMAC address

Shows the public MAC address of your device.

uDefault gateway

Shows the IP address of the default gateway used for the current Internet connec- tion.

uPreferred DNS server

Shows the IP address of the preferred DNS server used for the current Internet con- nection.

uAlternate DNS server

Shows the IP address of the alternative DNS server used for the current Internet con- nection.

uDownstream rate

Shows the transmission rate of the current Internet connection for downloads from the Internet.

uUpstream rate

Shows the transmission rate of the current Internet connection for uploads to the Internet.

uPPPoE pass-through

Shows the status of PPPoE pass-through for your DSL or cable connection for estab- lishing Internet connections straight from a PC to your network.

uAddress Translation (NAT)Status

Shows the status of NAT (Network Address Translation) for your Internet connec- tion.

NAT table

Shows the number of entries currently existing in the NAT table.

Click on Empty to delete all currently existing entries in the NAT table.

uDynamic DNSDynamic DNS

Shows the status of the dynamic DNS for your Internet connection.

Domain name

Shows the domain name set for dynamic DNS.

ìClick on Refresh to refresh this screen and update the displayed data.