With voice recording you can
•use the phone to record memos on the move
•record a call - useful for remembering numbers or addresses.
•add a voice memo to an alarm in the Calendar (see p. 32).
Side keys
The voice functions are best controlled with the keys on the side of the phone.
Recording, playback (dictation key)
(no function for
dictaphone )
Legal notice
The use of this feature may be subject to restrictions under criminal law or other legal provisions. Please inform the other party to the conversation in advance if you intend to record the conversation and please keep such recording confidential. You may only use this feature if the other party to the conversation agrees.
The length of a recording is limited only by the memory capacity available at the time. A 10 minute recording needs about 1 MB memory.
Recordings using the Dictaphone are stored as *.VMO files. If they are transmitted to a PC using the Data Exchange Software (p. 70) they may be converted to *.WAV files (Windows® Explorer: Activate Edit - Convert file).
Using the side keys
We recommend this procedure for short voice memos.
Press the dictation key for the duration of the recording. After a short beep, the recording starts.
Recording pause
Release the dictation key to pause. Press the key again to resume recording. Pausing for more than 10 seconds will stop the recording.
Recording is stopped if you release the dictation key for more than 10 seconds. The recording is stored with the current recording time as its name.
A different name can then be assigned to it (see Dictaphone menu, p. 28).