The actual formula used to determine minimum scan time is derived from the RDA formula found in Appendix C. Formulas.
The specific alarm level uses the initial "quick weight" x 0.9 to determine the alarm level used for scan time calculations. This provides a safety margin in the calculations.
The final alarm level comparison is based on the more accurate weight normalized to count time.
The minimum count time calculation is disabled if N*Sigma alarm type is selected. If N*Sigma alarm type is selected in conjunction with a "0" count time, the count time will automatically be set to 30 seconds.
Count Display:
Selects the method used for displaying counts on the screen and in the reports. The background counts will always be displayed in counts/second. The count display options only control the display after a scan.
The available options are:
1.Total counts per scan: Displays total counts per scan time.
2.Net counts per scan: Displays counts per scan time above background.
3.Total counts per second: Displays total counts per second.
4.Net counts per second: Displays counts per second above background.
MCA Data:
MCA data is an optional entry feature.