If more weight (>5 lb), but less than the programmed minimum weight is detected, the screen will display "Insufficient Weight". The operator must remove the weight from the chamber and press OK to continue operation.
If the weight is "?" the programmed minimum weight, the operator will be prompted to select the appropriate waste stream from a menu. If an invalid waste stream is entered (i.e. no efficiency) the operator will be given the opportunity to correct the entry. If a valid waste stream is entered the item to be scanned will be compared to the maximum weight of the waste stream. If the item is "?" the maximum weight of the waste stream a dialog box will appear with the maximum weight of the waste stream exceeded.
At this point the article may be removed or the operator may press OK as prompted by the monitor and the waste stream menu will reappear.
After a valid waste stream is entered, the operator will be prompted for an Item I.D., a touch screen keyboard will appear. Press <Enter> if no Item I.D. is required. The monitor will then scan the item and show the time to completion.
When the scan is complete, the unit will emit a "chime".
If the activity measured is greater than the alarm threshold:
The alarm window at the top of the screen will turn red and a scan result box will appear with the
If the activity measured is less than the alarm threshold:
The clear window at the top of the screen will turn blue and a scan result box will appear with the