This manual is designed to enable operating and service personnel to properly operate and care for the BM-286A. Since applications are necessarily site-specific, operation procedures are given in general terms. Service and repair are covered to the board level. Anything more complex than this requires that the instrument or assembly be returned to TSA.
TSA’s Barrel Monitor, Model BM-286A, is a large barrel monitoring device, designed to screen bulky items of up to 1,000 pounds for radioactive contamination. It uses six plastic scintillation detectors, one on each side of the chamber. An optional sodium iodide scintillation detector can be provided for spectral monitoring.
Operation of the instrument is controlled from a touch screen LCD monitor or optionally using an external computer keyboard. All access is controlled by user-assigned password protection. A printer can be connected for report printing or the printing of container data labels.
The instrument performs a self-test and acquires a new background count each time it is powered up. It also monitors its own operation during normal use and indicates any failures. It runs continuously, updating backgrounds whenever no weight is detected inside the chamber. A new count is initiated every time a door open/door close sequence is detected.
The BM-286A displays the total activity, scaled to appropriate units (µCi, nCi, etc.) and specific activity in pCi/gram. These units are also included in reports and data sample information that are created by the unit. The unit operates on 120Vac, 60Hz power with circuit breaker protection.