LAN9118 Family Programmer Reference Guide
Revision 1.0 (12-14-09) 6 SMSC AN 12.12
3.1 Directly Addressable Registers
These registers are also referred to as “Slave Registers”.
Table3.1 LAN9118 Family Directly Addressable Register Map
50h ID_REV Chip IP and Rev 01180001h
54h INT_CFG Main Interrupt Configuration 00000000h
58h INT_STS Interrupt Status 00000000h
5Ch INT_EN Interrupt Enable Register 00000000h
60h RESERVED Reserved for future use -
64h BYTE_TEST Read-only byte order testing register 87654321h
68h FIFO_INT FIFO Level Interrupts 48000000h
6Ch RX_CFG Receive Configuration 00000000h
70h TX_CFG Transmit Configuration 00000000h
74h HW_CFG Hardware Configuration 00000800h
78h RX_DP_CTRL RX Datapath Control 00000000h
7Ch RX_FIFO_INF Receive FIFO Information 00000000h
80h TX_FIFO_INF Transmit FIFO Information 00001200h
84h PMT_CTRL Power Management Control 00000000h
88h GPIO_CFG General Purpose IO Configuration 00000000h
8Ch GPT_CFG General Purpose Timer 0000FFFFh
90h GPT_CNT General Purpose Timer Count 0000FFFFh
94h RESERVED Reserved for future use -
98h WORD_SWAP WORD_SWAP 00000000h
9Ch FREE_RUN Free Run Counter -
A0h RX_DROP RX Dropped Frames Counter 00000000h
A4h MAC_CSR_CMD These two registers are used to
access the MAC CSRs.
A8h MAC_CSR_DATA 00000000h
ACh AFC_CFG Automatic Flow Control 00000000h
B0h E2P_CMD These two registers are used to
access the EEPROM
B4h E2P_DATA 00000000h
B8h - FCh RESERVED Reserved for future use -