Snapper 7800841-01 This manual and on the mower, engine and attach, Mower before starting, Smoke

Models: 7800841-01 780084-01 7800842-01

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Operator Safety

WARNING: This powerful cutting machine is capable of amputating hands and feet and can throw objects ! that can cause injury and damage! Failure to comply with the following SAFETY instructions could result in serious injury or death to the operator or other persons. The owner of the machine must understand these

instructions and must allow only persons who understand these instructions to operate machine. Each person operating the machine must be of sound mind and body and must not be under the influence of any substance, which might impair vision, dexterity or judgment.






















1. Read, understand, and follow instructions and warnings




POISONOUS GAS HAZARD. Engine exhaust contains carbon

in this manual and on the mower, engine and attach-







monoxide, a poisonous gas that could kill you in minutes. You

ments. Know the controls and the proper use of the




CANNOT see it, smell it, or taste it. Even if you do not smell

mower before starting.







exhaust fumes, you could still be exposed to carbon monox-

2. Only mature, responsible persons shall operate the




ide gas. If you start to feel sick, dizzy, or weak while using this




product, shut it off and get to fresh air RIGHT AWAY. See a

machine and only after proper instruction.




doctor. You may have carbon monoxide poisoning.


3. Data indicates that operators age 60 and above, are


• Operate this product ONLY outside far away from windows, doors and

involved in a large percentage of mower-related injuries.



vents to reduce the risk of carbon monoxide gas from accumulating and

These operators should evaluate their ability to operate



potentially being drawn towards occupied spaces.




• Install battery-operated carbon monoxide alarms or plug-in carbon


the mower safely enough to protect themselves and oth-



monoxide alarms with battery back-up according to the manufacturer’s

ers from serious injury.



instructions. Smoke alarms cannot detect carbon monoxide gas.


4. Handle fuel with extra care. Fuels are flammable and


• DO NOT run this product inside homes, garages, basements, crawlspac-

vapors are explosive. Use only an approved fuel con-





Reproduction11. Use extra care when loading or unloading the machine



es, sheds, or other partially-enclosed spaces even if using fans or open-

tainer. DO NOT remove fuel cap or add fuel with engine



ing doors and windows for ventilation. Carbon monoxide can quickly



build up in these spaces and can linger for hours, even after this product

unning. Add fuel outdoors o ly with engine stopped and



has shut off.




c ol. Clean sp lled fuel a d oil from machine. DO NOT


• ALWAYS place this product downwind and point the engine exhaust




away from occupied spaces.




5. Check he area be m wed and remove all objects




su h as oys, w re, rocks, limbs and other objects that


Tragic accidents can occur if the operator is n



mowing. Also note the location of holes, stumps, and


the presence of children. Children are often attracted to

other possible hazards.


the machine and the mowing activity.

ever assume that

6. Keep people and pets out of the mowing area.


children will remain where you last saw them.



Immediately, STOP Blade, Stop engine and Stop mower


KEEP children out of the mowing area and under the

if anyone enters the area.



watchful care of a responsible adult other than the oper-

7. Check shields, deflectors, switches, blade controls and





other safety devices frequently for proper operation and


DO NOT allow children in yard when machine is




ated and turn machine OFF if anyone ent

rs the ar


8. Make sure all safety decals are clearly legible. Replace if

DO NOT allow pre-teenage children to op rate machine.



ALLOW only responsible adults & teenag

rs with mature

9. Protect yourself when mowing and wear safety glasses,



judgment under close adult supervision to op rate


long pants and substantial footwear. DO NOT mow






barefooted or with sandals.

DO NOT pull mower backwards unless absolutely


10. Know how to STOP blade and engine quickly in



necessary. LOOK and SEE behind and down for chil-

preparation for emergencies.



dren, pets and hazards before and while backing.


into a trailer or truck.


6. USE EXTRA CARE when approaching blind corners,



shrubs, trees, or other objects that may obscure vision.

12. Check grass catcher components frequently for signs of





wear or deterioration and replace as needed to prevent




injury from thrown objects going through weak or torn


Slopes are a major factor related to slip and fall acci-


dents, which can result in severe injury. All slopes require extra caution. If you feel uneasy on a slope, DO NOT mow it.

2.Mow across slopes, never up-and-down. Exercise extreme CAUTION when changing directions on slopes. DO NOT mow steep slopes or other areas where stabil- ity or traction is in doubt. Refer to the Slope Guide at the back of this manual.

3.Use extra care with grass catchers or other attach- ments; these affect the handling and the stability of the machine.


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Snapper 7800841-01 This manual and on the mower, engine and attach, Ments. Know the controls and the proper use, Smoke