Troubleshooting Guide Page 2 55
If you are using an Internet Explorer browser, you can want to click the Refresh button several
times to fully load the Java and Java script program s. Also, wait u ntil J ava app let has c ompletely
loaded before attempting to log in.
The SonicWALL does not save changes that you have made
Whe n configuring the SonicW AL L, be sure to click Update before moving to another window or
tab, or all changes will be lost.
•Click Refres h or Reload in the Web browser. The changes can have occurred, but the Web
browser can be cach ing the old configuration.
Duplicate IP address errors
Duplicate IP address errors occur when the SonicWALL is install ed
Try restarting the router, or restarting LAN computers.
Make sure the LAN is not connected to the WAN port of the SonicWALL.
Machines on the WAN are not reachable
Make sure the Intranet settings in the Advanced section are correct.
If these suggestions don’t help, please take a look at the current FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
and Troubleshooting Guide on the SonicWALL Web site:
< pport>.
VPN tunnel problems
Doc ument your VPN layout. Did yo u draw out the design before setting it up?
VPNs are a routed network. Trace a packet’s path through the devices on your network and see
if there is any reason for it to be bloc ked.
Re-check your entries for typographical errors.
Check the basic network configuration on the LAN PCs. Make sure the correct de fault router in-
formation is entere d .
Enable Network Debug and VPN Tunnel Status on the Log Settings page.
Ping the other protected network from using P ing on the Too ls page. If p ing work s, th en the prob-
lem is on the L AN.
Reset the VPN to basic configuration using Manual key and DES HMAC MD5. If that works, then
upgrade to IKE and pre-shared sec r et.