Page 154 SonicWALL Internet Security Appliance Administrator’s Guide
If you have routers on your Local Area Netw ork (LAN), Demilitarized Z one (DMZ), or Wide Area
Network (WAN), you can configure Static Routes on the SonicWALL.
Tip On the TELE3 TZ and TELE3 TZX, the LA N is labeled WorkPort and the DMZ is labeled HomeP ort.
Click Advanced on the left side of the browser window, and then click the Routes tab.
Static routes must be defined if the LAN, DMZ, or WAN are segmented into subnets, either for size
or practical considerations. For example, a subnet can be created to isolate a section of a company,
such as finance, from traffic on the rest of the LAN, DMZ, or WAN.
The SonicWALL LAN IP Address, LAN Subnet, WAN IP Address, and WAN/DMZ Subnet are displayed
in the Current Network Settings section. Refer to these settings when configuring your Static
Routes.The SonicWALL LAN IP Ad dres s, L AN S ubn e t Ma sk, WA N IP Ad dr e ss and W AN/D M Z Sub ne t
Mask are displayed in the Current Network Settings section. .
To add Static Route entries, complete the following instructions:
1. Enter the destination network of the static route in the Dest. Network field. The destination
network is the IP address subnet of the remote network segment.
Tip If the destination network uses IP addre sses ran ging fr om "19 2.168 .1.1" t o "192. 168. 1.255 ",
enter "192.168.1 .0 " in th e De st . N et w o r k fie ld .
2. Enter the subnet mask of the remote network segment in the Subnet mask field.
3. Enter the IP address of your rout er in the Gateway field. This IP address should be in the same
subnet as the SonicWALL. If your rout er is loca te d on the So ni cWAL L LAN, t he Gat ewa y addr ess
should be in the same su bnet as the SonicWALL LAN IP Address.
4. Select the port on t he Son icWA LL t hat t he rou ter is co nne cte d to eit her th e LAN, t he WAN, or the
DMZ, from the Link list.
5. Click Update . Once the SonicWALL has been updated, a message confirming the update is
displayed at the bottom of th e W eb br o ws e r w i nd ow . Re sta r t t he S on icW AL L f or th e change to
take effect.
Tip The SonicWALL can suppor t up to 128 static route entries.