What The Perfect Vision Is About:

The Perfect Vision positions itself as “The Journal of Digital Audio and Video.” We cover major facets of the home enter- tainment arena: video equipment (HDTV); audio equipment (speakers, digital power amplifiers); convergence technology (DVD drives, digital-signal processors); multimedia and music software; films (laserdiscs and DVDs); emerging technologies in audio, video, and digital processing.

Questions About Your Subscription:

If you have questions about your subscription (length before expiration, missing issues, starting issue of a new subscrip- tion), please call the subscription office at (888) 475-5991 (North America) or (973) 627-5162 (outside North America). Please do not contact our business or editorial offices. They do not have the information necessary to help you.

www.theperfectvision.com; or, (3) send your credit card information or check to: The Perfect Vision, Subscription Ser- vices, Box 3000, Denville, New Jersey 07834. Checks must be drawn on a US bank and should be made payable to Absolute Multimedia, Inc. For questions about your subscription see the information below.

Back Issues:

No back issues are available. Visit www.theperfectvision. com for some key articles from past issues.


You can find news, links to manufacturer and performing arts sites, our subscription and classified advertising forms, and other interesting items on our web site at www.theperfect- vision.com.

Change of Address:

Please send change of address cards to: The Perfect Vision,

Box 3000, Denville, New Jersey 07834. Remember: Second Class mail is not automatically forwarded by the US Post Office. Please allow 8 weeks for a change.

Letters to the Editor:

We encourage our readers to write, since we believe in the free expression of opinion, a right guaranteed constitution- ally in the US to encourage the diversity of viewpoints nec- essary to freedom. We do not publish unsigned letters. We will, if circumstances warrant, withhold a writer’s name, but we must know his or her identity. Writers must include their mailing address. We will not print the street address, for security’s sake, but we will include the name of the town. Letters must be sent to The Editor, The Perfect Vision, Box 235, Sea Cliff, New York 11579, or by email to hp@theperfectvision.com. If you have other business with the magazine (change of address, subscription renewal, etc.), please see the information below for the appropriate means of contacting us; and if you wish to write for the edi- tor’s perusal, then do not send a note to any of the other addresses below.

Editorial Submissions:

We welcome editorial submissions; however, we may be unable to respond to every submission and we cannot return unused manuscripts. Please send a query letter before you submit a manuscript to: The Editor, The Perfect Vision, Box 235, Sea Cliff, New York 11579.

New Subscriptions or Renewals:

Subscriptions to The Perfect Vision are $32 for 6 issues in the US (second-class mail). In Canada, a 6-issue subscription is priced at $36 (US funds only) for 6 issues via airmail. Foreign subscriptions are $65 (US funds only) for 6 issues via airmail. To subscribe, you may use any of three methods: (1) call our subscription office at (888) 475-5991 in the US or (973) 627- 5162 elsewhere; (2) fill out the form on the TPV website at

The Absolute Sound Subscription Info:

For new subscriber information, call (888) 732-1625 or visit www.theabsolutesound.com.

Manufacturer/Dealer Display


Please contact Anne Hart at (512) 306-8780 ext.3 or ahart@theperfectvision.com for rate cards, demographic sta- tistics, and circulation information.

Requests for Submission of

Software for Review:

Contact Bob Gendron at (512) 306-8780 ext.4 or bgendron@theperfectvision.com.

Manufacturer Requests for

Reviews of Equipment:

For video products – grogers@theperfectvision.com.

For audio products – rharley@theperfectvision.com.

For film reviews – hp@theperfectvision.com.

Manufacturer Requests to

Reprint Reviews:

Not one word of editorial text from The Perfect Vision may be reprinted without written permission from the editor. To arrange permission and reprints, contact Mark Fisher at (512) 306-8780 ext.1 or mfisher@theperfectvision.com.

Classified Advertising:

The form at the back of the magazine will tell you everything you need to know to make out your Classified ad.

Glossary Available:

Our editors have written a glossary of terms, both familiar and esoteric, in use by reviewers and reporters in both audio and video. If you don’t know the meaning of a word or phrase in one of our articles, and we have not explained it to your sat- isfaction in context, you can consult this glossary by visiting our website: www.theperfectvision.com.

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Sony G90 manual Questions About Your Subscription, Back Issues Website Change of Address, Letters to the Editor