_cave some soace around the TV set as snown Below.
Otherwise air-circulation may be inadequate and cause
overheating, which may cause a fire or damage to the TV set.
[] Do not let fills TV get wet. Never spill liquid at
an3 kind on the T'_ lfmlyliquidorsolidobject ///_
does t,,llmrougn, co not operate the TV. It]nay J'_ _
result ill electric shock or tlamage to the TV. }_J_//_ "'_'=" _
Have itchecked immediately by qu dified
[] To prevent fire. keep flammable objects or open name (e,g. candles)
awa_ from rile TV
[] Do not place any objects on the TV.
[] The TV must not be exposed to dripping or
splashing. Do nor place objects filled widl
liquids, such as vases, on the TV.
___ Leave at least this much space
around the set.
Installed with stand
.......................... ___?_inc_ ........
_[130 crn/
Leave at least tNs much seaee
around the SeT.
Never install the TV as follows:
Air circulation is blocked. Air circ= mon is blocked

Carry the TV in the specified manner

To avoid dropping the TV and causing serious n_jury, be sure to tollo,_
these guidelines:
[] Betbre carryin_ the TV set. disconnect all cables.
[] Carrying tile lm'ge size (39-/37 inches) TV "_ /-3
2% lcnes requires iwo or lnore people.
I6era) [] When you carry rileTV, place your natm as
illustrated mid hold it securely. Do not put stress
on tile LCD pmml midthe trame around tile
[] When lit}ing tim TV set or moving tilepanel, hold itfirmly Irom the
bottoln. Place your pahn directly under tim panel
[] When carrying tile TV 5el. do nor
subject it to shocks or vibration, or
excessive torce.

Objects and ventilation holes

Never push objects at any kind rata the TV tilrough the _
cabinet slots as they may touch dangerous voltage points _'_
or short out parts that could result ill a tire or all electric
shock Do notplace any obiects ondie TV

Moisture and flammable objects

Wall mount installation requires tile o_ at a
Wall- Mount Bracket. When installing or renloving
the TV. using the Wall-Mount BrackeT. be sure fi
ase qualified contractors, lfnot property securec
ourln_o installation or relnovM train tile
Wall-Mount Bracket. the TV may t_dland cause
serious injury.

Optional wall mount

Observe tim ti_llowing when inst_lling tile TV using a
wall-mount bracket. If the TV is nol secm'ed property, it
lIlay tall and cr.luse injury.
[] Be sure to tbllow tile operating instructions supplied
witIl me wall-mount orglcket when instMling rile TV
[] Be sm'e re attach rile brackets supplied with tile wall-nlounr bracket.
[] Do not hang rile TV ti'om the ceiling, lrlnay fidl and cause serious
Donor use power-nne operated TV sets near c--,_' #-._c ltliury
water -- tar example, near a bathtub. /_" "-,- "

_:_/_ - Placement for viewing

washbowL kitchen sink, or laundry tub, i ,tisrooom.,e.,edtowatchthe .t0dist.......t - rimestil.,,lthe
wet basement, or near a swimming pool, etc. I1 _ _ _creen height, and ill moderate brightness. Watching the TV tbr too long
mayresult ill a tire or an electric shock. _ _Z_ or in a dark"room may CaLISeeye f_ltigue. To obtain a clear picture, do hal
expose the screen to direct illumination or direct sunlighL IfF )ssible. use
spot lighting directed down _i'oln tile ceiling.